Security service


Security Regulations

Important Information
  • 02

    Relevant regulations regarding prohibited items in carry-on baggage, but allowed in checked baggage
  • Provisions for Items Prohibited in Carry-on Baggage, but Permitted in Checked Baggage.The following items below are prohibited in carry-on baggage, but permitted in checked baggage on domestic flights.

    Kitchen knives, small clippers, large fruit knives, razors and other knives for daily use.

    Professional knives, including surgical knives, stick knives, engravers, etc.

    Knives, spears and swords, etc., for use in performances.

    Sporting goods possibly harmful to aviation safety or personal security, such as canes with spikes, poles with sharp points or spikes, baseball bats, etc.

    Axes, chisels, hammers, awls, spanners and other objects harmful to aviation safety or personal security.

    Liquid items that exceed amount limitations for carry-on baggage, but within checked-baggage regulations.


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